Trivia......Class of '65 Style
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90% Stephen Shea's Trivia
  1. What two classmates were first cousins?
  2. Which classmates married each other?
  3. Which classmate married a younger sister of  another classmate?
  4. His nick name was Carrie(Cary?), but his real name was?
  5. Who was a die-hard Beach Boy fan?
  6. Who shared his name with a couple of chipminks?
  7. Which classmate-today likes to put on her leather jacket and go for a ride on her big two wheeler?
  8. Which classmate was the first to be married?
  9. Which two classmates were responsible for writing the Class Will(in 8th grade)?
  10. Which classmate had the most brothers and sisters?
  11. In what grade did Joe Acquaviva start going to St. Mary's?
  12. Which classmate picked up the nickname "Jets" in her teenage years?
  13. What was the name of the Mom and Pop store across from the school which sold soda and candy. Hint: It had 2 different owners from '56 to'65!
  14. What was the first question asked in our Catechism?
  15. In what year was the current St. Mary's School built?
  16. In what grade(year) did we become Confirmed?
  17. What sad event usually made us happy because it allowed us to skip class?
  18. What were at least 2 snacks that were sold during "snack-time"?
  19. What day-every May, made most girls feel like queen for a day?
  20. Which teacher called Fritos....."Fred-dos"?
  21. Recite the first verse of the poem "Trees" 
  22. Name at least 2 movies that we saw in the school auditorium(during regular school hours).
  23. Who started in Grade K, but left St Mary's-not returning for many years later?
  24. Who used to hide a book on her lap-during class-and later became a librarian?
  25. Who used to think that the song "Bells of St. Mary's" was about our school?  
  26. Where did you end up, if you died before being baptised?
  27. What did "Ec cum spirit to to o" mean?
  28. Recite the first verse of the poem "Trees", and who was its author?What was the name of the Mom & Pop store, across from the School, that sold soda and candy? Hint: it had 2 different owners/names from 1956-1965!
  29. Diagram the following sentence: Dick and Jane went into the woods to find Spot!


The reunion committee wants to reward the smartest triva-minded non-committee  classmate with a special prize. The above 33 questions are examples of the questions that we may ask of you the weekend of June 24-26th, 2005! I am hoping that we will stay with these 33 questions. You will be given 3 points per correct answer. The last point awarded will be given to the person who answers with the best pennmanship (if the Committee agrees to this idea)!

Jackie DR, Cathy PD, & Christine KH......having a great time on Sunday. June, 2005!

Having a fun time on Sunday(June, 2005)



Mr & Mrs Richard Macaluso (Sat night at Rossi's)


Dave Jennings (far left) sharing his wisdom with Regina's husband-Paul Downs & Tom Brady.


Bill McMyne with his lovely spouse, & dear Sister Brigid (Sat night at Rossi's)


Marie R Nowak-with her husband; Jackie & Tom(in back)




Mr & Mrs Bill Packet having fun on Sunday at St Mary's


Our wonderful 1st grade teacher....Sister Mary Agnes