Class of '65 Wharton, NJ Home Page
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46 Great Classmates

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2005 Updates(Large Photo)

No Missing Graduates

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Reunion Photos

Photos Page

Comments + 2006 & 2007 Updates (D.Jennings-info)

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Welcome to our '65 Class Home Page
To the left is one of our 2005 group photos-taken at Rossi's on Sat, June 25th!                                   Greetings fellow classmates & friends. This website is the next logical step after creating our quick page in geocities. Everything here will be about our great class of '65! Our favorite teacher was the wonderful Sister Brigid.

I truly need your feedback & your support-if we are to have a Great Reunion in 2005. The good news & bad news is that I have contacted a number of classmates(as of Sept 8,2003).....but I have only received email from very few. So, even if you have NO interest in our 40th reunion.....I hope that you will let me that I dont bother you needlessly. Because, until you say NO, I will assume that your answer is maybe. The good news is that there is a chance that Sister Brigid may be able to join us. If you email me.....I will let you know how I hope to make this dream come true. As of early October, 2003....I did reach Sister Brigid by phone. She is interested in our reunion & her memory of our class is nothing short of excellent.      As of June 28,2004 I  will do my best to begin a Memory  Book. But, I need your help. The deadline to get your info  (1-2  paragraph max) to me is March 1, 2005! I need at least one-two people who can help with the gathering of our info via email. You can also write to me at PO Box 821 in Wharton  07885, if you are not into email communication. Please include something about yourself now & feel free to share  some of your best memories from any St. Mary's school year!

The Class of '65(Wharton, NJ) Needs Your Vote NOW!

Yes, our 40th Reunion is on track. After our 1st meeting, we have reached a number of decisions. So, until the end of 2003-you will need to inform me of your choice of  two dates. Please let me know ASAP whether late June OR Thanksgiving weekend of 2005 would be an ideal Reunion time for you.  On a new page I will post your name & your vote. Attention, Please note that our second Reunion Planning meeting will take place on Sat Jan 10th at the Wharton Library. We will be there from 11am  to 1230pm. I hope to see you there. Happy Holidays and Peace to all!

It is now mid-May, 2005. The best news that I can share is that ALL of our graduating class has been located. But, so far only 17 out of 46 classmates have officially indicated that they plan on attending 1,2, or all 3 events scheduled for June 24-26th of 2005. Im still praying that we will have a min of 25 classmates  attend our long awaited 40th Reunion. As the saying goes "the clock is ticking". Now is the time to make YOUR voice heard!  Thanks again to the Reunion Committee, without who's help & dedication this event would not be possible!

Be sure to visit the last 6-7 pages of this website.       As of Feb, 2006.....there are now 40th Reunion photos on these pages as well as a photo(above) from our Saturday night 40th Reunion-last June.. Also I have over 100 photos in my yahoo photo album.....ALL that have to do with our favorite school and reunion!   

Look for your name on our next page!   

Since Oct, 2005........

     The class of '65 has been getting together for a "mini-reunion". These are held in the Spring and the Fall. This was determined by a majority of our class. On Sunday, Oct 7th, 2007 we held our 6th get-together. So far, two of us have attended ALL 6, two have attended 3 times, and two have attended 2 times! Another 4 have atended only once.

     If you have news that you would like to share with your classmates......just let me know. I'll do my best to post it-as soon as possible. St Mary's School should have a link to most of our alumni. Look for this link from St. Mary's webpage. Expect to see it by the end of 2007.

     For those that haven't heard.....I have some sad news to share. In mid-October, 2007......we lost another classmate. It was one of the best liked for nine years. He was known to us as David Jennings. Sometime after high school.....Dave also used the nickname of Sonny. It appears that Dave took his own life. I've already written to those with a working email address. But, I only have about thirty out of forty-two classmates. Please say a prayer for Dave, Pat Wycha, Alvin Hughes, and Judy Wadsworth Gordon......sometime today! Peace to ALL!

As of early September 2004, we are still working on making our 40th Reunion a great success. We are beginning to put a Memory Book together. Please include your favorite memories(from any St Mary's years'). You are welcome to email them to me today. You should receive your offical invitation no later than Nov 30th, 2004.  I expect that we will be able to offer three events. A Friday night gathering at the Canal House in Wharton; a  Saturday night party at Rossi's located on Rt 46 in Ledgewood, NJ; and a Sunday Brunch and Open House at St. Mary's School(10:30am-1pm).I also need your mailing address in order to send to you-your official 40th Reunion Celebration.


     Rich Macaluso, along with a photo taken by Eileen Stafford Burnash, has put together a great Top 9's a list that all of us should see and enjoy reading. If you dont see it by April 7th, 2005 let me know and I will email a copy of it to you. Have a Happy Easter!


     As of late April, 2005....I was able to locate Dan Essig-with Dave Jenning's help. And thanks to Regina G Downs I was able to locate Ed Gernert in AZ! With Nancy Williams' help we have been able to re-contact Ann Marie O. Gall.


   As of very late May, 2005 we have 20 classmates that have sent in their RSVP's for attending our 40th Reunion. Three more that I expect to attend are: Steve Shea, Dave Jennings, and Nancy Williams. What I think is awesome about our 40th Reunion is that we are at our near 50% of our graduating class saying....."yes, I want to go"! That one stat. alone speaks volumes of how truly special the Class of '65 was.....and still is today! For those 20-some undecided classmates, I urge you to send in your payments ASAP. I can honestly say that I expect this reunion to be the best of my 50 something years. Please help prove me right! See you in June! 

News Since 2005
I wanted to let everyone know that Judy Wadsworth Gordon passed away on Friday, Oct 27, 2006. She had blood clots in her lungs. To the best of my knowledge this means that we have lost three fellow classmates: Pat Wycha, Alvin Hughes, and now-Judy! Please say a prayer for all three-when you can!
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  • As a class inspired,traveling through the years.
  • We always moved forward-notwithstanding our fears.
  • We studied and prayed and sung out loud.
  • Making ourselves and parents-deservedly proud!     
  • And as we reflect on those years gone by,
  • Let us rejoice-on our new found joy.
  • For on this day-memories ring true
  • Here at St. Mary's, and my memories of you!  

Thanks to ALL who made our 40th Reunion a huge success!
     As of the summer of 2007, St. Mary's School  will begin a new webpage. This will allow fellow alumni to keep in touch by email. It may be late summer before this new webpage is up and running.
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