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I'm sorry to say but I was not able to add a GuestBook to this site. If you have any comments that you'd like to pass along please let me know and I'd be happy to post them on this page. Thank you Committee Members for ALL of your hard work and effort.....which helped to make our 40th Reunion a huge success. And thank you to ALL classmates, teachers and school officials who equally helped to make the last weekend in June, of the best of my entire life! I hoped that you all enjoyed Sister Brigid's sing-a-long with us on Sat, June 25th. It was a special surprize that everyone seemed to enjoy! Believe it or not, this is a NEW comment that I am adding todat, June 20th, 2022.

I realize an awful lot has happened since June, 2005; but I wanted to let everyone know that I am alive and well. I enjoyed being a part of the 50th Class Reunion for my Morris Hills Class of '69. I also wanted to let you know that I am a member of the True Blue Dems! If we do have a new Civil War in 2024, I will stand with my "True Blue" Brothers and Sisters....until the day I die!

Our country does not need a king......All we need is LOVE! Your friend and mine, Jerry Libby

All that I can say is that I had a GREAT time in both helping to put our 40th Reunion together and in our 3 day celebration in June of 2005. I know that this event is now....and will ALWAYS be one of the best experiences of my entire life! Jerry Libby (Sept 10, 2005)

With your permission I will gladly add your comments here.  

I am also hoping to post more photos in the weeks to long as you email me your photos. I did not take any myself. The photos below came with this website.

Some of our NJ-resident clasmmates are getting together on Sat, Oct 1st at the Pizza Pub in Randolph. With gas prices as they are, I wasnt sure if any out of state classmates wanted to attend this get-together or not. If you want any details.of this upcoming event...send me an email.....or call me at home.   Thanks, Jerry

Although only 5 members of the Class of '65 got together last October '05.....I wanted to invite everyone for another Class of '65 event. The target date is April 16th to May 14th, 2006. Place: Morris County. It will no doubt be on a Saturday or Sunday. The specific time and location is yet unknown. For those whose email address I d not have.....I just recently made available over 100 photos (from my yahoo photo album). About half the class has now seen these photos......because they were kind enough to provide their email address.  If  you want to see MORE from the Class of '65 40th Reunion......just send me an email. Also, I still need a photo of Alvin Hughes to include for my photo album.and to post on this website!                         Thanks again, Jerry

  The Passing of Dave Jennings......

     On the morning of Thursday, Oct 18th, 2007......I received this note from as I walked in to St Mary's School.  It was addressed to "Gerry or Jerry.....send out to classmates"!

     The note reads exactly as follows......

Dave Jennings has moved on. Tonight some of St Mary's friend of Dave Jennings met to say goodbye to Dave, friends of Sonny, People who just wanted to say goodbye.

     Recently I saw Dave at a Deli. He said that he was going to hit the road and follow the sun. I didn't know at the time-he was saying good bye.

     We all have a memory of Dave, a story to tell about Dave, an event that happen because -Dave was there. All these memories, stories,  & events are of someone we knew as Dave Jennings. At St Mary's reunion, at the group picture, space was tight-Dave offer Sister Brigid-a seat-on his lap.

           Good Bye Dave-it was nice knowing you

                                          A Classmate

Christine K Hammit & spouse. Cathy P Demouth's husband is in the background(far right). Larry M is in baground standing in-between Christine & her husband.

  2008 News

As of May, 2019 we have lost five classmates. They are: Patrick Wycha, Alvin Hughes, Judy Wadsorth Gordon, David Jennings, and Tina Scudder Palmer! Also, 2008, (I believe) marked the passing of Rosemary Martinez's Mother-Rose. Please say a prayer that all six rest in Eternal Peace!

These girls need no introduction. But, in case you didnt know.....each of them was a vital part of the Reunion Committee. They are(left to right): Betsy C Riordan, Jackie D. Ross, & Cathy P Demouth.



In the forefront: Betsy C Riordan siting beside Marie R.Nowak(standing). This photo was taken Sat night-at Rossi's!